Have you ever had the feeling that you are falling apart? Have you ever had the impression that part of you falls apart like leaves from trees, like petals from flowers? Have you ever thought, that actually it’s a natural process of becoming oneself and you gave yourself permission to accept it? Or perhaps, you […]
Category: BecOMe Yoga
Warrior II – organic tool to become grounded
Step the right foot to the side, lift your knee with full awareness and gently step front foot onto the earth. Pause for a few seconds and try to see yourself and feel this moment And with consciousness begin process of dropping deep into that moment Allow your inhale expand and open you And the […]
If You Forget Me
Barefoot on the mat – barefoot through life….
On every yoga class I advise my students to pay special attention to their feet, during yoga session and after. Why? As there are several reasons …. From an anatomical point, the feet are made of 28 bones, 31 joints, 107 ligaments and 20 muscles. Comparing our whole body, feet are not too big, but […]
Wisdom in Exhaling
Breathing is the first physiological activity after the human birth. Therefore, it is an irrevocably and more sensible activity that keeps us alive and allows us to function in a healthy way. In yoga breath is taking very special place in both spiritual and physical aspect. As long as we can breathe, we can do […]